Interaction restraints

Interaction restraints can be used to define interactions between entire subunits, domains or single residues.

They can be defined in JSON configuration file like this:

  • Interaction between two proteins:

        "type": "connectivity",
        "active": true,
        "name": "Ely5-Nup120_interaction1",
        "comment": "Ely5 - Nup120 interaction",
        "data": [
            [{"subunit": "Nup120", "serie": "NR_1", "copies": [0]}, {"subunit": "Ely5", "serie": "NR_1", "copies": [0]}]
        "weight": 0.1,
        "k": 1,
        "distance": 7.0,
        "first_copy_only": true,
        "repr_resolution": 10
  • Distance between specific residues:

        "type": "connectivity",
        "active": true,
        "name": "Nup107_connectivity",
        "comment": "Keep the N and C domains of Nup107 close to account for the three missing helices",
        "data": [
            [{"subunit": "Nup107", "serie": "NR_1", "resi_ranges": [494]}, {"subunit": "Nup107", "serie": "NR_1", "resi_ranges": [580]}],
            [{"subunit": "Nup107", "serie": "NR_2", "resi_ranges": [494]}, {"subunit": "Nup107", "serie": "NR_2", "resi_ranges": [580]}],
            [{"subunit": "Nup107", "serie": "NR_1", "resi_ranges": [512]}, {"subunit": "Nup107", "serie": "NR_1", "resi_ranges": [595]}],
            [{"subunit": "Nup107", "serie": "NR_2", "resi_ranges": [512]}, {"subunit": "Nup107", "serie": "NR_2", "resi_ranges": [595]}]
        "weight": 1000.0,
        "k": 1,
        "distance": 25.0,
        "first_copy_only": true,
        "repr_resolution": 1

    Here, each pair of residues specified in the "data" list will be restrained to distance below 25A



Must be “connectivity”


true or false, whether the restraint should be created, you can set to false to save on loading time if you don’t need this restraint (even if it’s true, you still need to add it to a scoring function to have it an effect)


whatever name. Use this name to refer to this restraint in Parameter file when defining the scoring functions


Optional comment, useful for documenting


A list of pairs of Selectors between which the interaction restraints should be defined


Weight of this restraint


true or false, Apply only to the first molecule copy of each series?


The resolution of representation to which this restraint should be applied


Spring constant for the harmonic potential, redundant to weight, ignore


Distance threshold below which the restraint is satisfied. The score is 0 below this threshold and harmonic above.