Flexibility =========== By default: * all residues that are present in :doc:`input_structures` but are not covered by :doc:`rigid_bodies` are represented as flexible beads. In this case, the representation resolution will be the highest resolution from ``struct_resolutions`` list in ``params.py``. * all residues that are present in the sequences but are not present in :doc:`input_structures`, will not be added To add residues that are not present in the :doc:`input_structures`, but are present in the sequences, you can use ``add_missing`` parameter in ``params.py``: ``add_missing = True`` will add all missing residues ``add_missing = `` will add only selected residues. For example: .. code-block:: python add_missing = [ { "subunit": "Elp3", "resi_ranges": [[87, 92], [375, 390], [403, 406]] }, { "subunit": "Elp1", "resi_ranges": [[1, 20]] } ] If an input PDB structure does not fit as a rigid body, you can treat it somewhat flexibly by breaking it into smaller rigid bodies and defining :doc:`elastic_network_restraints` to restrain original interfaces.