Run === #. Run the fitting .. code-block:: bash The fitting runs will execute in the background and take from a few dozens of minutes to several hours depending on the case. In the output, you should have got the following directory structure: :: master_outdir/ # Directory specified with "master_outdir" parameter in config_prefix1/ # named after config_prefix specifications in fitmap_args in map1.mrc/ # named after the filenames of the EM maps used map1.mrc # symbolic link to the reference map pdb_file_name1.pdb/ # named after the pdb file names used for fitting solutions.csv # the list of solutions and their scores log_err.txt # standard error log log_out.txt # standeard output log # sbatch script used for running the job ori_pdb.pdb # symbolic link to the original query file map1.mrc # symbolic link to the reference map pdb_file_name2.pdb/ pdb_file_name3.pdb/ config.txt # A config file for fitting, saved FYI. map2.mrc/ config_prefix2/ config_prefix3/ .. note:: The fitting is complete when each of the ``.pdb`` directories contains ``solutions.csv`` file. Inspect the ``log_out.txt`` files for status and ``log_err.txt`` for error messages. #. Upon completion, calculate p-values: .. code-block:: bash This should create additional files in each ``.pdb`` directory:: Rplots.pdf solutions_pvalues.csv The ``solutions_pvalues.csv`` is crucial for the global optimization step.