Analyze fits ============ Check if run correctly ---------------------- In the output, you should have got the following directory structure: :: master_outdir/ # Directory specified with "master_outdir" parameter in config_prefix1/ # named after config_prefix specifications in fitmap_args in map1.mrc/ # named after the filenames of the EM maps used map1.mrc # symbolic link to the reference map pdb_file_name1.pdb/ # named after the pdb file names used for fitting solutions.csv # the list of solutions and their scores solutions_pvalues.csv # the list of solutions and their scores including pvalues THIS IS THE FILE NEEDED FOR THE NEXT STEP log_err.txt # standard error log log_out.txt # standeard output log # sbatch script used for running the job ori_pdb.pdb # symbolic link to the original query file map1.mrc # symbolic link to the reference map Rplots.pdf # some statistics from the pvalue calculation pdb_file_name2.pdb/ pdb_file_name3.pdb/ config.txt # A config file for fitting, saved FYI. map2.mrc/ config_prefix2/ config_prefix3/ Check if you obtained these files, in particular the ``solutions_pvalues.csv`` file. Note that ori_pdb.pdb and map1.mrc files are symbolic links to the original files. If for any reason those links are broken or do not exist, you can re-generate them by running the ```` script with ``--update_links `` option: .. code-block:: bash --update_links Generating fitted PDBs ---------------------- Although not necessary for the subsequent modelling, you can generate top fits as PDB files visualization. You may for example see that for some structures you obtain significant p-values in ``solutions_pvalues.csv`` file, and upon visual inspection, decide that you want to restrict the fits to these significant fits using ``max_positions`` parameter when :doc:`fit_libs`. Method 1 ^^^^^^^^ Enter the results directory for the given map: .. code-block:: python cd master_outdir/config_prefix1/map1.mrc/ Generate PDBs for multiple structures and/or maps into a single directory: .. code-block:: python cd fit_cam_inside0.3_fa_10000 [options] outdir Example case-scenario following: Generate fits for all maps: Enter the "parameters-set" fit directory like ``search100000_metric_cam_inside0.3_radius500/`` and run: .. code-block:: python -n5 top5 */*/solutions.csv This will generate a directory ``top5`` with subdirectories for each map, and top 5 fits for each map. Generate fits for a specific map: Enter the directory for specific map like ``search100000_metric_cam_inside0.3_radius500/P_negstain_01.mrc`` and run: .. code-block:: python -n5 top5 */solutions.csv This will generate a directory ``top5`` with top 5 fits for each map Method 2 ^^^^^^^^ A bash command like the following will iterate through all output directories and generate 10 fits there: .. code-block:: python for f in `ls fits_chimera/fit_cam_inside0.3_Big/nr_8_norm_m3i_filt.no_membrane.mrc/* | grep ":" | perl -p -e "s/\://"`; do cd $f; -n 10 solutions.csv ori_pdb.pdb cd /g/kosinski/kosinski/NPC/fitting/Chlamy done Method 3 ("Manually") ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Enter the directory for the given run: .. code-block:: python cd master_outdir/config_prefix1/map1.mrc/pdb_file_name1.pdb/ Generate the PDBs for a specified number of top fits: .. code-block:: python -n 5 solutions.csv /pdb_file_name1.pdb Visualize the pdbs with your map in Chimera (example figure following) .. image:: images/top_sys_fits_examples.png :width: 1100 :alt: Examples of top systematic fits for ScNPC